Sunday, August 9, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
2009...and a little cliche
So clearly, I'm not great at this whole blogging thing. In fact, no one really cares that I'm not good at this blogging thing but me. ahh life.
So I'm sitting here watching "Confessions of a Teen Idol" which I think may be my new favorite show. It's actually a little ridiculous to say i have a favorite show because I love tv more than anything but at any rate, it's what i'm loving right now. It's making me take a look at who I am. Some of these guys are grounded and accepting of who they are and some are really sad. About half of the sad ones are set in their ways and the other half are ready to make a change. I'm putting myself in that other half.
I'm making a change.
I hate resolutions; I think they are so cliche.
So this isn't a list of resolutions. It's just a list. And it's subject to change.
read more - easy to say, and I say it every year but I really want to read more
be nicer - i'm mean. I know it and i'm fine with it and i always thought it was okay to be a bitch as long as you admitted you were...but now I'm rethinking that. i'm going to try to be a bit's hard because i really don't like anyone. everyone bothers me but i'm going to try
make friends - so the reason for the above is so i can actually make a few friends. i can actually say i have two friends. my boyfriend. and my friend back home. that's seriously it. no joke. if i died tomorrow no one would come to my funeral that wasn't a part of my family except for those two...okay, maybe people would come but they would come because they felt like they HAD to come not because they WANTED to come.
keep it clean - I'm really anal about cleaning but if i kept things picked up on a weekly basis, i wouldn't have to be so crazy about "cleaning days"
exercise - yes, i need to work on my health. i've got a lot of health issues but none of which keep me from exercising. my laziness keeps me from exercising. i'm not about losing weight, just being healthy for me. because i'm not well all the I need to take some extra care with my health
dress better for work - yah, i don't dress for the job i want so i'm changing that. i'm not happy in my current job so maybe dressing a bit better will change that
find joy in my job or move on - i either need to find something with my current situation that i enjoy or move on. right now i can list many things i dont like and very few that i like. hopefully dressing better and being nicer will change my situation but maybe not. i'm giving myself until march, then moving on.
go out and do more things - it's saturday night and i'm watching "confessions of a teen idol"...this is normal for me. since i dont' have friends, i dont have much to do on the weekends except watch tv, clean my house and hang out with my dog.
that's it for now. subject to change.
Monday, September 29, 2008
my sundays are f***ed
When did Sunday become the big TV night, someone please tell me?
Last night I had to do some major DVR magic to record all the shows I wanted to...
I mean, I have Cold Case, MadMen, Dexter is freakin back as well as Californication, I wasn't able to record Bridezillas, and I finagled Brothers and Sisters in there.
no, i don't watch the amazing race, despite all the emmys or desperate housewives... i was never desperate enougth to wathc this show. sorry ladies.
also, just to note, i'm really only into live action shows so I don't watch the simpsons (please don't start...i've heard it before), king of the hill, family guy, or american dad. The only cartoony show i've ever really watch was Daria. Since then, nothing has peaked my interest. I don't know what my deal is and I know it's not normal but i really don't want to me normal so whatev.
the only other show i would like to watch but never really have gotten into it is the unit. not enough room on the DVR...sorry allstate guy.
So Madmen: Always great. January Jones is really killing it this season. I thought she was a terrible actress but I'm starting to think other may have won me over blondie. I hope peggy gets the big office she deserves. i hope red-head realizes her worth. and i hope don comes to terms with himself. a lot of hopes and wishes. i love this show
Cold Case: I don't know why i love this show, maybe it's the intro song...AHaHHHHHH (that's my singing it...i think everyone in my office heard). Football player is killed after confronting a guy about steriods. i mean, this shows aren't much to talk about but i really like these dramas. any cop type show on CBS...count me in.
Dexter is back: he is juicy, he is sexy, and he is even more badass than before. i hope he kills jimmy smitts. that guy bothers me
Californication: didn't get to see that yet, more the come on that (pun intended).
Brothers and Sisters: didnt get to that either but i'm guessing no one really cares but me :(
Last night I had to do some major DVR magic to record all the shows I wanted to...
I mean, I have Cold Case, MadMen, Dexter is freakin back as well as Californication, I wasn't able to record Bridezillas, and I finagled Brothers and Sisters in there.
no, i don't watch the amazing race, despite all the emmys or desperate housewives... i was never desperate enougth to wathc this show. sorry ladies.
also, just to note, i'm really only into live action shows so I don't watch the simpsons (please don't start...i've heard it before), king of the hill, family guy, or american dad. The only cartoony show i've ever really watch was Daria. Since then, nothing has peaked my interest. I don't know what my deal is and I know it's not normal but i really don't want to me normal so whatev.
the only other show i would like to watch but never really have gotten into it is the unit. not enough room on the DVR...sorry allstate guy.
So Madmen: Always great. January Jones is really killing it this season. I thought she was a terrible actress but I'm starting to think other may have won me over blondie. I hope peggy gets the big office she deserves. i hope red-head realizes her worth. and i hope don comes to terms with himself. a lot of hopes and wishes. i love this show
Cold Case: I don't know why i love this show, maybe it's the intro song...AHaHHHHHH (that's my singing it...i think everyone in my office heard). Football player is killed after confronting a guy about steriods. i mean, this shows aren't much to talk about but i really like these dramas. any cop type show on CBS...count me in.
Dexter is back: he is juicy, he is sexy, and he is even more badass than before. i hope he kills jimmy smitts. that guy bothers me
Californication: didn't get to see that yet, more the come on that (pun intended).
Brothers and Sisters: didnt get to that either but i'm guessing no one really cares but me :(
Thursday, September 18, 2008
things that make me happy
sorry, not going to be a list right now but the thing that made me happy yesterday AND this morning and probably for quite some time. I have a couch!!! wohoo. after months of waiting for this customized couch from boconcept, it finally arrived yesterday! I feel asleep watching tv on it, and it was glorious. love it. it's a little smaller than i remember and a little darker than i had wanted but i think it's just been SO LONG since i've seen it!
i'm happy
i'm happy
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
painting and moving should always be left to the professioals
And of course I did not heed that advice. Come on, we had just purchased an apartment. Savings gone. Now we need to pay for movers and painters. Don't think so. Time to roll up your sleeves and do it yourself.
The Entryway and Living Room (maroon and peach....yuck)

The yellowish kitchen

oh yah, the bedroom is peach too....

The Entryway and Living Room (maroon and peach....yuck)
The yellowish kitchen
oh yah, the bedroom is peach too....
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